


Eureka Place

Eureka Park, Ashford

Philip Kassanis as associate director at Mountford Pigott

I completed the Development Brief for the whole of Eureka Park in 2005. It was for a single use business park but was written in a responsive way that allowed the land to evolve in terms of use where the movement patterns are at their most intense.

Thus when it became clear that there was a demand for a local centre on this part of the park to serve not only the emerging business park but also the neighbouring new residential area, it was relatively easy to secure planning permission for the change of use because it still fitted within the scope of the Development Brief.

The design puts the short term car parking in the shared “courtyard space” and the long term parking on the private individual building plots. The impact of the parking is softened by avoiding regimented bay layouts and by using a shared surface concept. The architecture is designed to straddle the traditional design of the pub and the contemporary design of the offices on the adjacent parts of Eureka Park.

I carried the project through from inception to start on site.

High quality public realm using shared surface concept to mitigate the impact of cars.

Short stay parking in “courtyard” shared space with long term parking and retail/pub servicing within each individual building plot.
