


Residential feasibilities

Park Green Limited, a developer/ builder operating in south west UK, has been employing Philip Kassanis over the last 2 years to carry out feaibility studies for sites it potentially wishes to bid for. Sites are generally for between 10 and 30 units.

The aim of the feasibility is to establish development capacity and a housing mix that will be marketable in the area. Generally the sites are topographically challenging, requiring a lot of skill to ensure successful integration into the contours while avoiding undue cost and dealing with specific contraints and opportunites. These are quick studies started and finished freehand but scanned into CAD during the process so that areas can be accurately predicted. Usually this is sufficent for the purpose but sometimes more work has to be done if a presentation is required with the bid.

During this period two of the developer’s bids were successful leading to purchase of the sites. For one of these Philip then played a key role in gaining planning permission and work is about to start on site.
